Sunday, June 10, 2012

Liquid Blue Extra! Introducing the BlueBoys®

As with the BlueGirls®, the rhythm section of Liquid Blue has been through more members than a Thai prostitute.  Here are some of our favourite BlueBoy® alumni.

Angelo "The Frisler" Frisina:

Kevin "Winnie" Cooper:

Rodolfo "Rudy" Manzano:

Tim "The Criminal Ear" Breech:

1 comment:

  1. I'm a fan of Liquid Blue and signed up for their Google alerts which is how I saw your blog. I see you're into a lot of the same things they are into- the environment, native plants and healthy living. This is a band that invests a lot of their time into promoting the green lifestyle, world peace and they even have a CA native garden. Have a look at their ecology page here:
    With all the pretty faces they would seem almost too easy a target; I get it. But if you look deeper this band is just the opposite of "pretty pop".
